School Districts in Maryland have required masks since in person learning has resumed. A judge in Anne Arundel County recently ruled that the mask mandate would be in effect until the end of January 2022. The basis of the court’s ruling was the most recent surge in COVID-19. Howard County schools have implemented masks mandates for the 2021-2022 school year. The Maryland school board found that Maryland public schools may drop masks mandates provided that the school vaccination rates are 80% and the school has 14 days straight of low or moderate COVID-19 cases. Masks mandates in schools across the country have been very contentious across the United States. Children who attend school in Maryland must follow whatever the mask mandate is for the specific school that they attend. If you need additional information regarding the Masks mandates in Maryland Here are some resources:

School Resources | Coronavirus – Maryland Department of Health

Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools | CDC

COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC

Although many believe that COVID-19 masks mandates will be required in the near future, it is always helpful to stay up to date on the latest developments with respect to mandates. If you are co-parenting in separate homes, it is always important to communicate concerns regarding the safety health and welfare of your child. Should you require legal advice relating to co-parenting conflicts, the Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell PC is exceptionally qualified to represent you.

Lynndolyn Mitchell

Lynndolyn T. Mitchell has practiced law for over 30 years. Ms. Mitchell began her career as a licensed attorney in Orange County, California focusing on juvenile law. Lynndolyn Mitchell currently represents clients in contested child custody, complex divorces with complex property issues, uncontested divorces. She has represented clients in protective order hearings, traffic and misdemeanor criminal cases in Maryland, DC. and Virginia Ms. Mitchell comes from a military family and has acquired accreditation to represent military veterans in claims before the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Ms. Mitchell is licensed to practice law in four jurisdictions including MD, VA and DC. She is currently inactive in California. The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell Represents clients from all cultural, economic and social backgrounds. Lynndolyn Mitchell has been a presenter for the National Business Institute the (NBI) on the topics of Family Law in Virginia and Maryland and Education Law in Maryland. Ms. Mitchell was also a member of The Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission for District 11- Montgomery County, Maryland. (1999-2023). Ms. Mitchell is active with the J Franklyn Bourne Bar Association and is currently on the Executive Board (2021-2023), The Maryland State Bar (2006-Present. Ms. Mitchell is also an active member Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

Contact Us

199 East Montgomery Ave.

Suite 100

Rockville MD, 20850

Office: 301-340-2541
Fax: 240-238-7061


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