Modification of Child Support Based on a Material Change in Circumstances

In today’s climate, there may be a necessity to modify child support. A court will modify support based on a material change in circumstances. A material change of circumstances could be a loss of a job, a reduction in pay, or an unexpected financial set back. Filing a modification of child support does not automatically reduce the court ordered support payments. The payor is still required to pay the court ordered support unless or until the child support order is modified. The office of child support enforcement will not file a modification unless there has been a 25% increase or 25% percent decrease in the payor or payee’s income.

A reduction in child support may also be resolved by a written agreement of the partes. Once the parties agree on a support amount, they will be able to file the written agreement with the court to modify the prior support amount.

Modifying support does not however, resolve any outstanding arrears. The payor is still responsible for arrears that accrued as a result of the prior support order. The court will not retroactively modify support prior to the date of the filing of the motion to modify support.

If a payor’s wages have been garnished and there is a loss of employment, the payor is still responsible for making direct payments to the payee.

If you have suffered an unexpected loss of income and are under an obligation to pay support, it is very important to file the modification with the court as soon as possible. Most courts have self-help programs that assist with filing modifications of support. If you are in need of additional legal representation to modify a prior court order, The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell PC is exceptionally qualified to provide you with legal representation.

Lynndolyn Mitchell

Lynndolyn T. Mitchell has practiced law for over 30 years. Ms. Mitchell began her career as a licensed attorney in Orange County, California focusing on juvenile law. Lynndolyn Mitchell currently represents clients in contested child custody, complex divorces with complex property issues, uncontested divorces. She has represented clients in protective order hearings, traffic and misdemeanor criminal cases in Maryland, DC. and Virginia Ms. Mitchell comes from a military family and has acquired accreditation to represent military veterans in claims before the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Ms. Mitchell is licensed to practice law in four jurisdictions including MD, VA and DC. She is currently inactive in California. The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell Represents clients from all cultural, economic and social backgrounds. Lynndolyn Mitchell has been a presenter for the National Business Institute the (NBI) on the topics of Family Law in Virginia and Maryland and Education Law in Maryland. Ms. Mitchell was also a member of The Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Commission for District 11- Montgomery County, Maryland. (1999-2023). Ms. Mitchell is active with the J Franklyn Bourne Bar Association and is currently on the Executive Board (2021-2023), The Maryland State Bar (2006-Present. Ms. Mitchell is also an active member Montgomery County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

Contact Us

199 East Montgomery Ave.

Suite 100

Rockville MD, 20850

Office: 301-340-2541
Fax: 240-238-7061


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