In the state of Maryland Parties may be eligible for a mutual divorce under the following circumstances:
- The parties have a marital settlement agreement that addresses all issues relating to marital property, support and child custody.
- The parties simultaneously file the complaint, answer and joint request for an uncontested divorce.
- The complaint and answers are accompanied by a case information sheet.
- The parties both appear at the uncontested heairng.
- The marital settlement agreement addresses alimony and retirement payments to the other party or in the alternative the parties waive the right to receive alimony and child support.
- The parties file the child support guidelines along with the complaint and answer.
- The settlement agreement includes the child access schedule for the parties access to the minor children.
- The settlement agreement provides for transfer or sale of any real or personal property owned by the parties.
- There are no outstanding issues relating to the parties’ real or personal property.
- The parties have made arrangements for transfer of retirement pursuant to a Qualified Domestic Order.