According to the Washington Post article dated July 27, 2021, the Montgomery County Public schools will require all children to wear masks indoors for the 2021-2022 school year. This announcement coincides with the CDC reversing course and recommending that both vaccinated and un vaccinated individuals wear masks in doors. Although some parents are opposed to their children being required to wear masks, the policy implemented by the Montgomery County School Board must be followed. Montgomery County Traditional Schools are scheduled to begin in person classes on August 30, 2021. The mask mandate will be required regardless of whether a student is vaccinated. In order to obtain additional information regarding changes relating to the upcoming school year visit https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/
Whether you have a special education student or have a student who is enrolled in a traditional learning environment, it is important to stay up to date with any changes for the upcoming school year.
Lynndolyn Mitchell of The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell represents students at IEP meetings in both Montgomery and Prince George’s County.

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