As of January 1, 2024, the following laws in Maryland will go into effect.
1.Mimimum Wages will increase to $15.00 per hour. According to the office of the Governor, this increase will increase wages for approximately 163.00 employees.
2.Medicaid will be required to provide medical necessary gender affirming treatments.
3. Some counties and towns for example Anne Arundel, Prince George’s and Frederick are enacting local plastic bag bans.

4. The Commonwealth of Virginia is implementing new laws that effect health care, health care information and accessible treatment for residents.

5. There are no new laws in the district itself that will affect residents directly.
With the New Year rapidly approaching. It is very important to remain vigilant regarding new laws that might directly or indirectly affect you or your family. If you are in need of an attorney for family law, education or traffic law. The Law Office of Lynndolyn Mitchell is exceptionally qualified to provide legal representation.